Metal recycling can be simple and easy. When metal recycling gets increasingly tricky, a lot of value is lost thanks to the growing complexity of products and their complex interactions with recycling systems. As we move into a circular economy, Globe Metal not only helps create new ways to recycle valuable metals, we make sure that one industry’s waste today is a resource for another industry tomorrow.
Metal is Perfectly Recyclable
Metal is the most recycled material on the planet. It’s infinitely recyclable as its internal structure does not degrade over time. For example, two-thirds of all the aluminium produced can still be used today. Whatever forms a secondary metal material comes in and the processes that it have gone through, it can be recycled. For example, silver once used for coins could easily one day be a part of the roof on your house. Recycling metal scrap is the underpinning of the circular economy as it significantly reduces the use of natural resources: saves water, energy and other resources associated with producing metals.
Globe Metal Understands How Metal Chemistry Works
Common commodity metals like steel, copper and magnesium are recovered easily, as they’re often used in relatively simple applications. However, let’s say, we’re looking at aluminium powders which are used as a reducing agent at high temperatures. This process begins with the reduction of iron oxide by the aluminium and is used for the production of several types of ferro-alloys. When producing ferro-alloys, the aluminium metal powders used are generally from primary virgin metal sources. Using a secondary material source for aluminium powders is generally not thought about. However, in the case of aluminium metal powders to produce ferro-alloys, a 2% impurity is well within limits to produce a successful aluminothermic reaction. So if you’re looking at an opportunity to purchase secondary aluminium powders or any other type of metal powders for your industrial processes and are concerned about the need for purity in your processes, our resident experienced metallurgist and chemical metal expert can help. At Globe Metal, we have an advantage when it comes to knowing about metal chemistry. Our expert staff provides you with an added value when buying or selling your metal waste, powder and sludge.
Globe Metal is Constantly Building New Networks
As of economies developed and lifestyles practised in OECD countries, the global requirements for metal will be three to nine times higher than the current amount of metal used around the world. This will require a substantial increase in the recycling of scrap metals and secondary metal production.
Globe Metal is positioned to increase global secondary metal production through its efficiency, expert knowledge and constantly growing global network of suppliers and manufacturers across industries. Our advantageous and unique position in the metal recycling industry is that we are continually looking for unique solutions for each of our clients. For example, Industry A is selling their scrap metal or powders because they cannot use them anymore. Industry B is looking for a less expensive solution for metal materials, and this is where we come in. We create win-win solutions for vast ranges of industries every day.
Looking to sell or buy scrap metal and metal powders? Give us a call at 1-800-700-6382, or reach out to the sales team at sales@globemetal.com and we will be happy to help you with any questions you may have
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