Globe Metal is always looking to develop the most advantageous metal recycling solutions. As a result, one of our areas of specialty is recycling metal generated by the mining industry. Globe Metal buys cutting tools, hammer bits, tri-cones and a variety of other tungsten containing materials from both open pit and subterranean mining operations. For recycling mining equipment and machinery, this can involve cutting, separating, extracting and, of course, removal and transportation. Our strong logistics team covers transport from remote facilities from northern Canada to the Northern & Southern Cordilleras of South America. Working locally in Peru, Columbia, Chile and Mexico, we buy and transport everything from single pallets to container loads. Also, Globe Metal offers very competitive prices and quick payment. Along with our prices, our customized services include recycling strategies suited to each client.
These Steps Makes All the Difference When Recycling Industrial Metals in The Mining Industry
When it comes to metal recycling of mining equipment, the right course of action makes all the difference. As there are several factors involved in recycling mining equipment, its best practice to provide us with the following essential information:
- Approximate weight of your material
- Types of metals
- Whether the material is mixed with other materials or kept by itself
- How the metal is stored or contained
- Photos of the material
Once we have all this critical information, we could offer the best solutions and proceed to recycle your materials efficiently.
Globe Metal buys a full range of metal mining and exploration equipment for recycling:
- DTH hammers & bits
- Reverse circulation hammers & bits
- Rotary drilling tools
- Casing systems
- Pina cutters
- Molinos SAC scrap
- Metal liners
- Metal shielding
- Mill balls
Brands we purchase include Epiroc (previously Atlas Copco), Sandvik, Mincon, and Robit.
We also purchase waste streams, surpluses or liquidations of mineral concentrates and others:
- Metal containing Tailings
- Metal slags (Ni, Co, Cu, among others)
- Catalysts
If you have more questions about recycling your mining equipment and machinery, send us an email at sales@globemetal.com or call Globe Metal at 1-800-700-6382 for a free consultation or to arrange for a pick-up of your industrial metals at your location — no matter where you are.