“When you get to a fork in the road, take it!” This advice from Yogi Berra was indeed taken by Brendon Chrus, which is what lead him to Globe Metal and then to his role as Globe Metal’s Account Manager for North America.
“I was hired as a marketing advisor and became a metal trader,” says Brendon. When Brendon accepted this marketing position, he brought to the table what Globe Metal was looking for. He’s a seasoned marketer with experience at many different types of start-ups, including co-founding a casual cycle clothing company. Education and experience open doors, but the future is there for people like Brendon who take on new challenges. Quickly, his role evolved.
“The company was getting inundated with inbound leads,” said Brendon. He was asked to help pick up the slack. One call led to another, and very quickly Brendon became the Account Manager for North America.
Globe Metal is the last stop before a metal waste stream goes to a landfill.
Brendon’s primary focus is on metal waste streams from environmental service providers, working with such companies as Apex Environmental. “Many materials have been sent to landfills in the past. We’re always looking for and finding alternatives. We are the last stop before a metal waste stream goes to a landfill.”
Brendon Chrus’s other specialty is on metal catalyst recycling and rare earth metals, which mainly come from the chemical and petroleum industries. “We recover a wide variety of metals from catalysts such a Vanadium, Nickel, Molybdenum and Palladium,” says Chrus.
Why is metal recycling environmentally friendly? The environmental impact of mining and metal production from raw materials is high. However, as metals are perpetually recyclable with reduced water and energy inputs, recycling industrial metal keeps used metal from going into landfills, in addition to eliminating the waste that results from producing new metal. Globe Metal plays a significant role in making this difference as the company successfully recycles hundreds of thousands of pounds of metal waste that would previously be going to landfills.
Brendon and his sales colleagues bring value to the metal recycling industry by investing their time to find new outlets for their client’s metal waste. “In addition to dealing with prime materials, which we buy from around the world, we’re able to work with a diverse network to recycle difficult metal streams that many companies are not willing to invest their time in.”
A key to Brendon’s success is knowing about the recovery processes for different metals and understanding which materials customers have difficulty with. “Just recently, our networks have expanded, allowing us to recycle Zirconium, Lithium, Lithium-ion batteries, Zinc metal powders and sludges,” says Chrus.
Consumers get great prices; suppliers receive a fair value for materials
Brendon is proud to work in the metal recycling industry. He buys the metal waste destined for landfills and finds a new life for it in a range of ways. For Brendon, it’s all about selling secondary raw materials that benefit all parties involved. “The consumer gets great prices, the supplier receives fair value for their materials, and we get to make to make those connections.”
As the metal recycling industry is experiencing more and more consolidation by large global conglomerates, companies like Globe Metal are getting more competitive and are finding new ways to recover materials and offer better pricing. “The mega companies who have the majority of the market share are not trying to improve on anything,” says Chrus. “Financial viability and benefit for all are what drives us at Globe Metal.”
Metal Marketplace launching soon
While there are many accomplishments that Brendon is proud of from an individual and team standpoint, he is especially excited to launch Globe Metal’s online marketplace in the New Year. “Our goal is to keep more materials out of landfills by opening up the material to potential clients. We don’t just recover secondary materials; we make sure metal streams get recycled!”
If your metal waste streams are going to landfills, contact Brendon Chrus. He will be there to help and access your situation with any industrial metal waste stream you may have.
This is the second article in an ongoing series of employee profiles. Please read others:
• Face-to-face with Ricardo Alberto Martinez, our leading Account Manager for Latin America